Tips on getting the best out of the HR Service Desk Portal ‘Your Tickets’ This is where you can view all open, pending and closed tickets. In order to use this function you will need to create an account, you can do this by clicking ‘Sign Up’. ‘Reporting an Incident’ This is a general enquiry form that should be used when interacting with the HR Shared Services and Employee Relations departments. This form allows the requester to select the nature of their request. This form can be completed by a Manager, Employee, Support/Admin, New Candidate or an External Customer. You will be unable to submit a ticket unless all mandatory fields are completed – these are the sections marked with a red asterisk. Other email addresses can be CC’d to the ticket by clicking the ‘Add CC’ option. Attachments can be added to the ticket by clicking ‘Attach a file’. You should only attach files that are not listed in the ‘Request New Service’. ‘Request New Service’ Here you can complete a number of online forms such as: Post Adjustment Form Leavers Report Authority to Compile Form New Position ID Request ESS Password Reset Working Time Directive Opt Out Form Attachments can be added to these forms by clicking ‘Attach a file’. ‘Browse Solutions’ This contains answers to a list of frequently asked questions.